Trends in unified communications - Genband Perspectives16


Perspective16: Software replaces the telephone operator

‘General Bandwidth’ was founded in 1999 in answer to the burgeoning digital communications market’s expansion and need for software-based controls.

Now known simply as Genband, the firm describes itself as a specialist in IP-based real time communications software for fixed wireline, mobile and cable service providers and large enterprises.

Perspective16 is an event and a showcase for Genband and its Kandy Platform-as-a-Service technology. Kandy’s core proposition is to exist as an abstracted-for-ease technology stack for firms to engineer communication and collaboration functionalities into their applications – even previously disconnected monolithic applications.

In a world of Unified Communications (UC) and cloud datacentre-based telephony controls, the post-war era switchboard operator can finally hang up her twinset and pearls and let the software do the work.

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